Thursday, January 27, 2011

Albanian migrants protest over Tirana deaths

Albanian migrants working in Greece on Thursday held a demonstration in Thessaloniki to protest against the killing of three people in clashes with police during an anti-government protest in Tirana, as well as the policies of Sali Berisha's government in Albania.
The migrants congregated in front of the statue of Eleftherios Venizelos in the centre of the city and then marched to the Albanian consulate, waving Greek and Albanian flags and holding up banners with photographs of the victims and messages such as "No more blood on the streets" or "Government of murderers".
Organisers of the demonstration stressed that it was a peaceful protest that wanted the political issue in Albania to be solved in a peaceful way.
"We are protesting over the way that our country is being run by the prime minister Sali Berisha and ask for something simple: if someone is unable to govern properly, they should leave. Allow someone else to govern better," a spokesman said.
source: ana-mpa