Sunday, January 30, 2011

Athens decides evacuation of Greeks wishing to leave Egypt

        Greece's foreign ministry on Sunday decided to send military aircraft to evacuate all Greeks from Egypt who desire to return home, as tens of thousands of demonstrators defied curfews and remained on the streets demanding the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and the death toll reaching 102 and thousands injured, according to reports by the
international media.

    According to available information, all the Greeks in Egypt are well in health.

    The foreign ministry made the decision in cooperation with the Greek defence ministry, and is in constant contact with other countries also planning evacuation operations.

    According to a foreign ministry announcement, "activation of the repatriation plan for Greek citizens in Egypt desiring to return to Greece was decided this morning (Sunday) at a meeting chaired by deputy foreign minister (for overseas Greeks affairs) Dimitris Dollis".

    "The relevant planning provides for the dispatch of military planes, in a follow-up to agreement reached with the national defence ministry at the outbreak of the crisis" in Egypt, the announcement said.

    "Due to the situation prevailing in Egypt, the departure of the aircraft will take place when the necessary conditions for the safety of the Greek citizens who have expressed desire to be repatriated are ensured," it added.

    The ministry further said that Greece's Consular authorities in Egypt are in constant contact with the Greek communities in Egypt, as well as with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, adding that according to information that has been received, all the Greeks in Egypt are well in health.

    It said that the Greeks in Egypt have been instructed to remain in their residences, due to the conditions prevailing in the streets.

    The ministry also said that it is in constant coordination with the other European and non-European countries that are also planning repatriation operations.

source: ana-mpa