Sunday, January 30, 2011

Development minister: Turnabout from recession in Q4 2011

Regional Development and Competitiveness minister Michalis Chryssohoidis anticipated that Greece will exist from the recession sooner than the predictions of "various mal-intentioned and well-intentioned prophets", in an interview with RealNews newspaper appearing on Sunday, and acknowledged that development had been put on a back-burner in 2010 due to the more
pressing threat of default.

The minister said the government aspires to Greece making the much-sought turnabout in the last quarter of 2011.

He also said that all the speculation about restructuring the country's debt "is a debate that leads nowhere", while on early general elections speculation he said "it is lacking in content", stressing that "all those who dream of or desire (early) elections should propose alternative policies and viable solutions here and now".

source: ana-mpa