Monday, January 24, 2011

A mess at the Concert Hall with Pangalos... Instead of Gatsos he received a protest!

On Sunday night the Concert Hall resembled everything but that, as the presence of Thodoros Pangalos was enough to turn the heat on.

The vise president of the government, accompanied by the vice minister of Culture Tilemahos Hitiris arrived at Megaron to attend an event with Maria Farantouri for the 100 from the birth of Nikos Gatsos. But he
fell upon some antiauthoritarians who were handing out pamphlets! The young people started shouting at Pangalos and the hooing soon extended with many attendants taking the part of the young men against the vice president. In fact the tension was such that the Hall’s security was called to restore the order. Most of them were adorned Pangalos with many decorative adjectives and designations for his weight while reminding him of his own expressions for public servants or the now famous «We ate it all together!».

Eventually, probably the climate became quite heavy for him and he left during the break of the event…

source: Proto Thema