Independent MP and former foreign minister Dora Bakoyannis on Thursday tabled a question in Parliament addressed to the prime minister over what she termed "the extreme increase in secret funds managed by the foreign ministry".
Bakoyannis, who was expelled from main opposition New Democracy only to form her own party shortly thereafter, charged that the government has proceeded with "considerable cuts" in the foreign ministry budget, something she said drastically affects the operating expenses of Greek embassies and consulates in a number of countries.
She also cited what she called reductions in the salaries of diplomats and other foreign ministry personnel.
Conversely, according to Bakoyannis, the foreign ministry's "classified expenditures" reached 18 million euros in 2010, while in 2011 the sum increased to 34 million euros, as approved by a joint ministerial decision signed by the ministers of finance and foreign affairs -- Bakoyannis asserts.
source: ANA