Saturday, February 19, 2011

Government spokesman on ND leader's Political Committee address

Government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis, commenting on the address by main
opposition New Democracy party leader Antonis Samaras at his party's Political Committee meeting, said "a dignity accord with the people is required, but not by the country, however, but by ND itself, because elementary dignity necessitates one telling the truth. Something, however, that proves to be extremely difficult for ND, since it is continuing to exhaust its speeches and actions on self-admiration and entrenchment in its political autism."
Petalotis further said that "Mr. Samaras in his address today as well, repeated once again the now known recipe of his nonexistent political proposal:'ND has said everything, it had warned in time about everything, but the governmet did not listen to them'," while stressing that "what is worse, of course, for ND and Mr. Samaras is that, as it is being proved, they are not even following developments and what is taking place in the country."

source: ANA