Saturday, February 19, 2011

Papariga on Pasok, ND stance

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Secretary General Aleka Papariga, speaking in an interview with the newspaper "Typos tis Kyriakis", termed the reaction of the ruling Pasok party and of the main opposition New Democracy party to the troika a "farcical comedy," while accusing the two mainstream parties that they "shall sell out everything and leave nothing standing." 
Papariga also believes that these two parties and the Popular Orthodox Rally party (Laos) were not taken by surprise by the troika's proposals. 
The KKE leader called on the people "to put an end to the plans of the big parties" since, as she says, "if the people do not stop them, they shall leave nothing standing, it will not only be a big crime of looting public wealth but also of the destruction of the country's production potential and of the environment." 

source: ANA