Sunday, March 13, 2011

Athens' Sunday newspapers at a glance

The fall-out from Friday's Eurogroup decision to
extend the repayment period and to slash the interest rate of the 110-billion-euro bailout package for Greece, speculation over new austerity measures and exploitation of state property and assets, along with the ubiquitous reports of snap elections and government reshuffles mostly dominated the headlines in the Sunday editions of Athens' newspapers.


    AVGHI: "Defence of democracy in Greece, Europe a debt for all".


    AVRIANI: "Nuclear nightmare from explosion at reactor in Japan".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Solution 'package' with sell-off worth 50 billion euros and government reshuffle".


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Small carrot, big stick (by EU towards Greece)".


    EPOCHI: "Breather for government, asphyxiation in society (from Eurogroup decision)".


    ETHNOS: "Respite from Brussels with tough conditions for Greece".


    KATHIMERINI: "Breath of life with very strict conditions (by EU for Greece)."


    LOGOS: "Prime minister's headache over lack of communication between ministers".


    NIKI: "The 'haircut' and our bank deposits".


    PARON (weekly): "(Government VP Theodoros) Panagalos: End! Crumbs and new measures bring about snap elections or reshuffle".


    PROTO THEMA (weekly): "Raw command by Commissioner Olli Rehn: 'Sell property and save wages of 10 years'."


    REALNEWS (weekly): "Reshuffle now a given, with PM George Papandreou now searching for ministers outside (ruling) PASOK".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "Block anti-popular measures with organised popular disobedience," is the headline of the communist party's newspaper.


    TO VIMA (weekly): "Agreement, breather the message towards markets".


    VRADYNI: "Tsunamis of new (austerity) measures".

source: ANA-MPA