The Greek embassy in Ankara has lodged a demarche with the Turkish government after a Turkish corvette harassed an Italian vessel that had undertaken to draw up a route to be followed by an underwater fiber optics cable, linking Italy with Israel.
The Italian vessel had requested and received from Greek authorities a relevant license, as provided by the International Law, and was sailing near the island of Kastellorizo, foreign ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said on Wednesday, in response to a press question and following an article in the Athens daily "Avgi".
He underlined that the "Greek positions have been made clear to the Turkish side, consolidating our country's sovereign rights".
Referring to the EU-Turkey migrant re-admission agreement, Delavekouras reminded "negotiations have ended".
"Those who enter Greece illegally -- the country being the first entry point in the EU -- will be returned to Turkey", he said, adding that bilateral agreements will be in effect during the transition period. He reminded that Greece has reached a bilateral agreement with Turkey (2001), which is placed within the European framework.
source: ANA