Monday, March 14, 2011

ND to take position on Greek debt after EU summit

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) will wait for
the final decisions to be taken at the March 25 EU summit before taking formal positions on the Greek debt and the future of the eurozone, and immediately afterwards it will submit an integrated proposal for exploitation of the state assets under the code-name "Zappeion 2", ND press spokesman Yiannis Michelakis told a press briefing on Monday.

Asked to comment on Friday's informal eurogroup summit in Brussels, Michelakis accused the government of having a "secret agenda" that includes new, harsh measures.

"The government is celebrating as if it has solved the problem, but a change of policy is mandatory. We believe there is a secret agenda. We will study the decisions and then take a position on them," the ND spokesman said.

He said that ND will submit in the near future an integrated proposal for exploitation of the state property, in the context of its presentation of ND's updated economic plan for the country's exit from the crisis that will be unveiled by party leader Antonis Samaras immediately after the March 25 EU summit.

"Let's wait and see whether Mr. Papandreou's commitment that he will table legislation prohibiting the sale of state assets will come to pass," Michelakis added.
source: ANA-MPA