Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pamboukis holds meeting with Siemens executive

Minister of State Haris Pamboukis had a meeting with senior Siemens executive Peter Solmssen to discuss outstanding issues between the multinational and the Greek State, including a kickbacks investigation now being investigated by Greek justice. The two men also looked into Siemens contracts that are still underway but where delivery has delayed, such as the construction of the metro extension to Elliniko. 
The meeting took place on Friday in Germany, with the minister apparently stressing that the public works could not continue to be mired, regardless of any 'unsettled accounts' between the two sides. 
It followed an exchange of letters between Pamboukis and the management of Siemens, both the parent-company and the Greek subsidiary, in which the minister raised the issue of compensation of the Greek state and asked for Siemens' assistance in completing the investigations that are now underway.