Sunday, March 13, 2011

PM briefs Cabinet over Eurogroup decisions

Prime Minister George Papandreou reiterated to
his Cabinet, which convened on Sunday, that Friday's decisions by the Eurogroup constitute a "significant milestone" for the country and Europe. 
He again noted that the Greek people's efforts are paying off, while noting that that the country's course is now squarely "in our hands". 
Moreover, Papandreou called the main opposition's position in the wake of the Eurogroup's decisions "positive", while calling for such a productive stance in the future. 
In other statements, the Greek premier requested more devotion to their portfolios by ministers and unity, warning that "reactions by vested interests will continue". 
Finally, he dismissed the ubiquitous press speculation over snap elections, but more poignantly, scenarios over a looming government reshuffle. 

source: ANA