Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsipras: Coordinated action throughout Europe

Coalition of the Left, Movements and Ecology (SYN) party
leader Alexis Tsipras called for coordinated action in order to "paralyze Europe", with demonstrations and strikes during the March 25 EU summit, with the aim of upsetting the policies entered into motion in Brussels on March 11, in his closing address to a three-day conference on the economic crisis organised by his party. 
Tsipras also stressed the need to "safeguard democracy" during this time of crisis, warning that "democracy is in danger", in a reference to a recent decision taken by the governmental majority in parliament that the actions of finance minister Yiorgos Papakonstantinou related to the Memorandum do not require parliamentary approval. 
Greece, he said, was faced with a new authoritarianism, and safeguarding democracy was one of his party's goals in the immediate future. 
The SYN leader sharply criticised prime minister George Papandreou's stance at Friday's summit as well as his policy in general, stressing that austerity and the Memorandum are not the only option, but a policy choice. 
He further accused the prime minister of "manifesting greater zeal than Merkel" at times, adding the Left has a historical duty to overturn those policies and create alliances for a change of course and exit from the crisis, and to pave a new path of growth founded on the social needs. 

source: ANA