Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ADEDY announces protest against cuts on Saturday, June 4

The civil servants' union federation ADEDY on Tuesday announced a protest rally against the new measures announced by the government at Klathmonos Square in central Athens, at 11:00 a.m. on 
Saturday, June 4.
"The new tide of cuts, tax hikes, privatisations, dismissals and restriction of insurance rights reduces the living standards of all by 20 percent and leads the economy and the country into new dead ends," an announcement by ADEDY's executive committee said.
The union federation noted that public-sector staff face an "unbearable and desperate situation" with further wage cuts, reduction of their lump sum on retirement, an increase in their working week to 40 hours and imminent cuts in supplementary pensions, putting particular pressure on the thousands of households that depended on a public-sector wage or pensions and had one or more unemployed members.