Monday, May 16, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Monday

IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest for attempted rape and the prospective consequences to the Greek case, the new package of measures in order for the Troika (IMF, EC, ECB) to approve
disbursement of the fifth installment of the support loan and the conditions in the centre of Athens, mostly dominated the headlines on Monday in Athens' newspapers.

   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Strauss-Kahn arrested for attempted rape!..."

   AVRIANI: "Troika's crook behind bars"

   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "The maid blocks Greece - IMF takes for granted a harsher position towards Greece".

   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "The maid resisted the...IMF rapist".

   ESTIA: "Bad development for Greece".

   ETHNOS: "Troika is blackmailing for the new loan".

   IMERISSIA: "Dramatic 'behind the scenes' over the fifth installment".

   TA NEA: "Sex, loans and mortgages".

   NAFTEMPORIKI: "Troika demands 4 billion euros in measures and privatisations".

   VRADYNI: "10,000 layoffs in public sector".