Speculation of new harsh tax measures and a civil servants' voluntary early retirement program and Prime Minister George Papandreou's meetings with the political leaders on Tuesday, dominated the headlines on Monday in Athens' newspapers.
ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Papandreou's meetings with political leaders except Communist Party leader Aleka Papariga".
AVRIANI: "The admission of bankruptcy brought panic to the people and anxiety to markets".
ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Cutbacks in salaries via Tax Bureau as of July 1".
ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Voluntary early retirement in public sector".
ESTIA: "New taxes on real estate - The rulers have gone mad".
ETHNOS: "New bombs with receipts, VAT, tax-free ceiling".
IMERISSIA: "Storm of new taxes- Tax-free ceiling at 6,000 euros - Extraordinary contribution".
NAFTEMPORIKI: "Days of harsh measures and crucial decisions".
TA NEA: "Troika holds its gun under the table".
VRADYNI: "Government activates the transfer of the 'Building Co-efficient'.