Saturday, May 14, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Saturday

The dire situation in the economy and the EC-ECB-IMF "troika's" proposals for privatisations as well as the latest developments in the Siemens kickbacks scandal mostly dominated the headlines
on Saturday in Athens' newspapers.

   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Justice Minister Haris Kastanidis points to former prime minister Costas Simitis as mastermind of corruption".

   AVRIANI: "Simitis the 'high priest' of corruption".

   AVGHI: "Public utilities sell-is worse than (EC-ECB-IMF) Memorandum".

   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "They're (government) throwing (Simitis) into Siemens' pyre".

   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Troika demands 100 percent sell-off of Public Utilities, Organisations (DEKOs)".

   ESTIA: "Taxes force economy to its knees".

   ETHNOS: "Red cards from Troika, European Commission".

   IMERISSIA: "Thriller with 5th (troika bailout loan) installment".

   KATHIMERINI: "Ultimatum on seven billion euros worth of (austerity) measures".

 NAFTEMPORIKI: "Debt, deficit and unemployment (figures) derailed".

   RIZOSPASTIS: "Greeks and migrants' common struggle against crime and racism".

   TA NEA: "New tax bill will snag thousands of real estate owners ".

   VRADYNI: "Civil servants' lump sum retirement bonus at stake".