Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Wednesday

A pending batch of new austerity measures and press speculation over their effect on wage-earners and pensioners and the fall-out from the PM's contacts with political party leaders mostly dominated the headlines on Wednesday in Athens' newspapers.

   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Political leaders do not offer consensus".

   AVGHI: "Democracy now!"

   AVRIANI: "Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.O.S) leader George Karatzaferis calls for co-governance".

   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Prime Minister George Papandreou seeks life vest".

   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Cuts in salaries, benefits and pensions".

   ESTIA: "We're heading towards impasse".

   ETHNOS: "The hemorhagging of salaries, pensions and lump sums".

   IMERISSIA: "Markets anticipate actions".

   KATHIMERINI: "Referendum now on the table".

   NAFTEMPORIKI: "Consensus for labour 'reserves' in public sector".

   RIZOSPASTIS: "Horrible measures must not pass".

   TA NEA: "Tax measures divide them (political leaders)".

   VRADYNI: "How much will civil servants, pensioners pay".