Friday, May 20, 2011

FM: Put personal agendas aside

No one is hiding behind their finger, problems and dysfunctions exist that the government wants to deal with in a frank way, foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas said on the Real FM radio station on Friday, stressing that whoever has a personal agenda must leave it aside and that everyone must work together for the country's sake.
He also said that Greece needs to send a clear message of responsibility and determination abroad.
"And we need to stress, through this message we send abroad, our dedication to the programme we have decided to implement. And it is important that we not lose the credibility we have regained over the past year; credibility gained through the sacrifices of the Greek people. Now, beyond that, we have to look at what helps and what doesn’t help, from what we hear from abroad," Droutsas added.
He reiterated that "external intervention and advice that is not constructive, that does not help the effort we are making, simply does not help, even if this advice points out the obvious".
To a question on national issues, Droutsas unequivocally stressed: "Agathonisi is Greek. As is the case with every last inch of Greek territory, there is no room for contention, and we do not accept any contentions."
"Every statement made and action taken by Turkey immediately receives the appropriate response from Greece. Let this be clear. But again, let’s not make our own lives more difficult. Let’s not focus always on statements coming from abroad. We have to focus on what we ourselves are doing and trust what the Greek government itself says - particularly on national issues. Let’s not be tempted to exploit national issues in political machinations that might damage the country's interests," the foreign minister added.