Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Greek FinMin to begin new round of talks with troika

Greek Finance Minister Yiorgos Papakonstantinou will begin a new round of talks with the heads of the EU/IMF/ECB troika in Athens after returning from Eurogroup and Ecofin meetings in Brussels on Tuesday. 
The talks will focus on specifically outlining the measures included in a Medium-term Fiscal Strategy Framework 2012-2015, worth 26 billion euros, an ambitious privatization and exploitation of state assets programme worth 50 billion euros and additional fiscal measures needed for the current year. 
Ministry officials reiterated that the government remained steadfast with respect to its goal for 2011 and was continuing its work, while they noted that it was possible that some of the measures included in the Medium-term Framework to be implemented earlier in order to cover additional needs for higher revenues and cutting spending for the current year.