Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tourist arrivals in Greece following positive trend

Tourist arrivals in Greece are showing a positive trend, according to temporary data publicised on Tuesday by the Federation of Greek Tourist Enterprises and come from the country's airports and now Greek tourism is heading for a double-digit figure of arrivals throughout the entire year. 
During the January-April period the arrivals of foreign tourists increased by 5.6 percent compared to the bad 2010, amounting to 1,147,555 tourists. However, the increase taking place in the month of April for all over the country is impressive, achieving 24.04 percent, a fact meaning that about half the tourists in the first months of 2011 arrived in April (541,974). 
As regards movement at the country's airports, the scene is dominated by Rhodes, Kos and Zakynthos, whose increases reached high levels in April. Rhodes achieved an increase in air arrivals of 133,00 percent in April and 119,18 percent over the four month period, Kos 600 percent in the four months and 539 percent in April, while Zakynthos 521 percent in the four months and 504 percent in April.