Saturday, June 18, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Saturday

Friday's government reshuffle and Evangelos Venizelos' assumption of the Finance Ministry and upgrading to 2nd Government Vice-President dominated the front pages in Athens' newspapers on Saturday.


    ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "New faces, but one of the same..."


    AVGHI: "Government grabbing at straws".


    AVRIANI: "Papandreou turned the reins to Venizelos to avoid the country's bankruptcy and in order to not be forced to stepping down and humiliation".


    ELEFTHEROS: "New Cabinet an electoral government with the 'deep PASOK' in the front lines".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Papandreou turned over the keys, got rid of his close associates".


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Papandreou formed government from 'all of PASOK' with the top cadres in different roles, and with strong scent of elections - The key face is his one-time adversary and unknown to the country's creditors Venizelos".


    ESTIA: "The new government stillborn".


    ETHNOS: "Strong team to reverse the political scene".


    KATHIMERINI: "Papandreou-Venizelos government in fear of rejection of Medium-Term fiscal program - Sacrifice of the PM's 'friends' - The technocrats refused government posts".


    LOGOS: "Reshuffle or internal-party compromise?"


    NAFTEMPORIKI: "Governmental jump start without changes in targets".


    NIKI: "From 'Defence' (ministry) to war - Venizelos moved from defence minister to finance minister - Like a bull in a china shop, Venizelos went to finance minister before he was sworn in to be briefed on the crucial upcoming eurogroup meeting".


    PRESS: "Papandreou-Venizelos: The big deal - They either succeed together, or sink together".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "The reshuffled government dangerous for the people".


    TA NEA: "The 'czar' of the economy - The protests - The lenders".


    VRADYNI: "Venizelos reshuffle - New Cabinet a desperate communications effort by Papandreou to gain political time with temporary control of his parliamentary group and the so-called 'deep' PASOK, in view of prospect of early elections".