Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Northern Greece enterprises pessimistic over outlook

Businesses located in northern Greece remained very pessimistic over their outlook and over new hirings in May, the Northern Greece Business Index 500 (NGBI 500) revealed on Tuesday.
The index, based on a sample of 500 enterprises in the region, recorded one of its lowest readings ever in May, at -40 points, down from -42 in April and -30 in the same month last year.
Around 30% of business people in northern Greece said they planned lay-offs in May, down from 36% in April, but up from 25% in May 2010.
Only 8.0% of businesses said their general situation was good, while only 12% said they expected things to improve in the next six months, with 50% predicting the economic climate will remain flat, while a 38% said things will get worse.