Monday, September 12, 2011

PM Papandreou in TIF speaks on foreign policy

Prime Minister George Papandreou, focusing on foreign policy during his scheduled press conference in the framework of the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) on Sunday afternoon, said it is the right of sovereign countries, such as Cyprus, to utilise and exploit their natural resources.

"It is a sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as of Israel and every other country, to carry out research or to make agreements either for the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or the pipelines and be able to exploit the natural resources it has," the prime minister stressed, adding that "this is a position that is not Greek alone, it is also a European position" and in any case it is "a clear position towards Turkey as well."

Asked whether the possible use of force by Turkey will constitute "casus belli" for Greece, Papandreou said "the threat of force is not at all pleasant and I believe that sobriety will prevail and of course I believe that the European Union in its entirety and the international community will not only want there to be noforce, but neither the threat of force."

The prime minister also stressed that "we have every reason to develop, as well as to improve our relations with the neighbouring country" something that "we are doing and we have proved", with "considerable progresses in various sectors", but underlined that "the basis on which whatever relation will be built, today, tomorrow and in the future is the basis of respect of International Law."

Referring to how the government intends to act regarding the exclusive economic zone in the Aegean, Papandreou said "in the framework of cooperation and of International Law we are claiming all our rights. Our rights demand, just as the issue of the continental shelf and the extension of territorial waters, the issue of the exclusive economic zone is an issue of a right, as well as an issue of cooperation with the neighbouring countries. This is what we are trying and promoting with all countries, including Turkey."

The prime minister further said that there must be a clear distinction "between our economic difficulties and whatever problems or major issues of national importance and foreign policy," adding that "we have achieved this and communicated it everywhere."

He also said that Greece's influence in the sense of economic cooperation "is not the same, as in the past, when we had a a stronger economy, when we had 5.5 percent growth and when there was not the pressure on the banking system as well, due to the public debt that the Greek banks also have", explaining that "this is yet another reason for which we must exit from this crisis soon."

Also commenting on developments in the Arab world, Papandreou termed the "Arab spring" a "great opportunity for democracy" as well as "an oportunity for there to be an initiative regarding peace, the Middle East issue, the Palestinian issue."

He expressed the conviction that "Israel and Palestine must at this moment proceed and establish a climate that will permit the creation of an independent Palestinian state, with one country nearby, Israel, that will feel safe and will also be recognised, in peaceful cooperation with the Arab countries."

Papandreou underlined that "it is something that we are pursuing, it is in our interest."