Monday, January 31, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines

    The Monday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance
    Economic issues and the Siemens scandal, and the crisis in Egypt were the main front-page items in Athens' dailies on Monday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Critical deliberations for the 4th tranche of the support loan".

AVRIANI: "Prosecutor must intervene immediately in the Siemens scandal".


    DIMOKRATIA: "Samaras: The Memorandum must be changed".


    ELEFTHEROS: "The big secret of Siemens and the political parties' coffers".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Fuse in the Mediterranean".


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Rough time for corporate work contracts".


    ESTIA: "Tax evasion rampant".


    ETHNOS: "Crash test for auxiliary pensions".


    IMERISSIA: "Foreign funds' test on Athens Stock Exchange - Four conditions for package purchases".


    NAFTEMPORIKI: "Strict German conditions for solution of debt crisis in EU".


    TA NEA: "Finance minister pre-announces austerity, by virtue of law".


    VRADYNI: "30 years of austerity".

source: ana-mpa