Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Federation of Greek Communities in Germany Releases Annual Report

New perspectives are emerging for Greek communities regarding their role as ambassadors for Greece, in countries where Greek Diasporas resides.  This is indicated in the annual report of the Federation of Greek Communities (OEK) in Germany.
The organized Diaspora in Germany has earned the appreciation and trust of the German society, state and economy, through working
consistently with continuity and caution.  As proven, this is especially difficult in these times,  according to the announcement.
“Through the example of the Federation of Greek Communities in Germany (OEK) it is found that, especially in the end of the outgoing year 2010, that organized Hellenism abroad can play a decisive role in defending the country’s interests”, states the Federation’s chairman, Costas Demetriou, adding that:
“While in the distant past of the Greek Diaspora, such as for example OEK Germany, held a firm position in the annual report of German secret services, among organizations performing activities which were characterized as threatening to the country’s constitutional order, today the fact that the collective organization comprised of 350.000 Greeks in Germany is a reliable interlocutor of the chancellor herself is a remarkable feat and gift for utilization”.
The President of OEK stressed that the rising course of organized Hellenism, which admittedly is characterized as a serene force and is occupying a top spot among other immigrant ethnicities, marked, exactly three years ago the signature of a Joint Declaration of the Lander Standing Committee of Ministers of Education with seven immigrant organizations’ federations, among them being OEK.