Friday, January 21, 2011

Greek Debt is a Star of 2011

Greek 10-year bonds are among the best performing assets for 2011 so far. The bonds have returned 7.5 percent in dollar terms and 6.9 percent in euros in the year to date.
The Greek 10 years have benefitted from easing fears about the extent of the euro zone crisis, including proposals under discussion among euro zone officials to beef up the bloc's bailout fund.
Yields on the bond were around 11.46 percent on Thursday, down from 12.55 percent at the end of 2010.
They hit a euro-era record high of nearly 12.82 percent in April last year before a bailout mechanism was organised.
Greek 10-year bonds lost 29.2 percent last year, the worst performing on the Reuters list. By contrast, German 10 year Bunds gained 7.6 percent last year and have lost 1.2 percent so far this year.
Some investors have begun to find value in peripheral euro zone debt, although they remain highly cautious.
"Government bonds issued by peripheral euro countries offer attractive yields in the wake of the sovereign debt crisis but the risk/reward ratio provides the best assessment and it mostly favours corporate markets," Pioneer Investments said in a note.

source: Reuters and