Friday, January 14, 2011

ND moving to new HQ

 Main opposition New Democracy (ND) is relocating its headquarters at the end of January, moving from the neo-classical mansion it has occupied since the late '70s to a modern office building on Syggrou Boulevard.

    The move is already underway, slated for completion by the end of the month to the 7,000 sq.m. office complex at 360 Syggrou Blvd. that will bring together the entire 640-strong ND staff which is currently scattered throughout 24 buildings and apartments around downtown Athens.

    The new building, at the corner of Syggrou and Doiranis street, has one entrance each from both streets.

    The ground floor features a large events hall with a seating capacity of 520, where the addresses and gatherings that up to now have been held at various hotels in Athens at a high cost will now take place, as well as a large library of political and related books, a pressroom complete with PCs and wireless internet access (with which the entire building is equipped), and a second events hall with a seating capacity of 120.

    Also located on the ground floor will be the party's administrative and financial services.

    The second floor will house all the so-called 'party mechanism', namely all the secretariats of the various party organs, an archive room and three conference halls, while the third storey will house the offices of ND leader Antonis Samaras, the two party vice-presidents, the press office and party spokesman Yiannis Michelakis.

    The building also has an indoor parking area with a capacity of 150, and a state-of-the-art security system with cameras, while access is restricted and allowed to party officials and staff with access cards. Temporary access cards will also be issued to visitors.

    ND officials told ANA-MPA that relocation of all the party services and offices to the new building will result in a 32 percent saving in operational costs (including rents, electricity, cleaning bills, fees, etc.), is fully energy efficient, and boasts an ultra-modern telephone network that allows communication with all the regional organisations of the party at zero cost.

    The neoclassical building on Rigillis street will not be abandoned, however, but will house the Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, while Samaras will also keep an office there.