Monday, January 10, 2011

Reactions to Theodoros Pangalos' statements

Reactions within PASOK are increasing, after Proto Thema's report on the vice-President's New Year's stay in a luxurious hotel.

The Left Initiative of PASOK is asking for the Prime Minister's intervention, underlining that the party's vice-president is "dragging down those that do not criticize them".

Also included in the statement: "At the same time that fear, insecurity and terror are a part of the people's everyday life, the vice president of the government is testing the stamina of the whole populace.
  After Pagalos' former statement "we all spent the money together", and his statement on the counter-productivity of the Hellenic Air Force, the unjust characterizations of public sector employees have been heavy, creating serious reactions to the point of said statements".

It continues as follows:" The Minister of the Imia fiasco is raising himself above everyone and everything and obviously thinks he can judge everybody. His stance on politics is apparent of his feudal mindset where he attacks his servants to keep them repressed".

The Left Initiative states that: "The escape from the present political and economic situation requires a democratic ethos that Mr. Pagalos seems not to possess. Thus, The Left Initiative of PASOK calls on the Prime Minister to take the necessary measures against the vice-president due to the boundary-crossing statements that drag down all those who do nothing about them".

The statement concludes with a post scriptum:" Mr Pagalos owes everyone an answer so that we may better understand the definition of corruption: Did he teach his daughter corruption so that she could corrupt him, or did she possess this inherited trait, which led to her appointment to public office"?

Petalotis' statements

Speaking to the press on Monday, the government's spokesperson G. Petalotis did not take sides on the matters raised by Proto Thema's reports, saying that "the government does not need to do so".

"Mr. Pagalos shared his own views in his own way, but there already are official statements on the government's part" Mr. Petalotis commented, on Pagalos' recent attacks on public sector employees. He pointed out that: "Mr. Pagalos views are not representative of the government's".

"The statements are characteristic of the one that makes them", he added.

The fact that Mr. Pagalos is lavishing in luxury while he makes accusations against huge employee groups, has dumbfounded many ministers and parliament members of PASOK.

Many of Prime Minister's G. Papandreou's close co-workers are distancing themselves from Mr. Pagalos, refusing to cover for him.

Information dictates that Mr. Papandreou is going to send a message to everyone, but specifically aimed at Mr. Pagalos, that the government does not adopt behaviours of luxurious living while it takes such harsh measures towards the people.

In reality, Mr. Pagalos is becoming a foreign body as far as the government is concerned, since -as admitted by many of the party's members- he rarely does any of the appointed tasks that the Prime Minister has set him.

Nothing is certain on Pagalos' future within the government, but it is unlikely that the Prime Minister will take any extreme measures at this point in time, even if this specific parliament member is now a weight to be dragged around by the government during its attempt to justify its measures as honest and heartfelt.