Friday, February 25, 2011

Argentine Deputy Foreign minister visits Athens

The visit of Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister Alberto Pedro d'Alotto to Athens, coupled with ratification of a bilateral economic cooperation agreement by the Greek parliament, has broadened cooperation between the two countries and comes within the framework of an "opening" by Greek diplomacy in Latin America, Deputy Foreign minister Spyros Kouvelis stressed on Friday. 
During the meeting with his visiting Argentine counterpart, Kouvelis referred to "the lifting of obstacles in bilateral trade relations as being of major importance for Greece" considering last year's negative precedence of the cancellation of a large import of Greek peaches. 
Greek shipping is another important cooperation sector that connects Argentina with the EU and Greece, Kouvelis stressed. 
On his part, d'Alotto referred to the contribution of the ethnic Greek community in Argentina to rapprochement of two countries, underlining that they have many similarities. He also added that a joint ministerial committee meeting to take place later this year will boost commerce and other bilateral cooperation sectors. 
Tourism and energy are among the sectors the two sides intend to promote first. 
source: ANA