Sunday, February 13, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines

Athens' Sunday newspapers at a glance
The fall-out from Friday's press conference by
representatives of the EC-ECB-IMF 'troika' following their latest inspection of Greek finances and memorandum-mandated reforms and restructuring mostly dominated the front-page items in Athens' Sunday newspapers.


    APOCALYPSES: "Wages, 20-percent discount and tax breaks end: Troika".


    AVGHI: "(Snap) Elections now mandatory".


    AVRIANI: "Troika exposed government and entire creaking political system".


    CHORA: "They're selling-off everything".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Party of corruption and kickbacks."


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Operation OPAP (the state-controlled football and lottery pools): 'Silence the media'."


    EPOCHI: "(Troika to government) Sell Maximos Mansion (government house)"


    ETHNOS: "Clash with troika (and government) over privatisation programme".


    KATHIMERINI: "Troika pressure sparks tensions".


    LOGOS: "Privatisations at any cost and adherence to (EC-ECB-IMF) memorandum".


    NIKI: "Country being mortgaged in order to pay off debt".


    PARON (weekly): "Greece ... up for sale".


    PROTO THEMA (weekly): "We paid 50 percent more for new submarines than the Turks (for the same type of subs)".


    REALNEWS (weekly): "We found Akis' (Tsohatzopoulos, the former PASOK minister) treasurer".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "Abandon PASOK, ND -- Alliance with KKE," is the main headline of the communist party's newspaper.


    TO VIMA: "PM against troika; Provocation by EC rep: Sell everything, power company, Helliniko site, beaches".


    VRADYNI: "Labour system collapsing".

source: ANA-MPA