Sunday, February 6, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headllines

    Athens' Sunday newspapers at a glance
  The agreements in Brussels and the terms for extending the Greek bailout loans were the main front-page items in Athens' Sunday newspapers.

    APOCALYPSES: "Dismissals and new cuts in wages - the secret agreement with Merkel for 10 years of austerity".

    AVGHI: "Armageddon with the
abolition of hundreds of schools".


    AVRIANI: "Giant four-billion-euro scandal shakes the system".


    CHORA: "New shock memorandum for 15 more years".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Minister versus the State - they are seeking 200 million euro compensation for the Olympic village". [runs story claiming deputy minister Dinos Rovlias is handling legal cases between contractors and the Greek state]


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "A 'German' payscale for the civil service - Brackets reduced to six, bonuses instead of benefits"


    EPOCHI: "Agreement of destitution"


    ETHNOS: "Merkel treaty for Europe and Greece - EU Summit opens the way for earth shattering changes".


    KATHIMERINI: "The EU plan for taxes, wages and pensions".


    LOGOS: "What is on the EU 'menu' for Greece".


    NIKI: "The 10 commandments of the Troika".


    PARASKINIO: "The piranhas in the hands of the public prosecutor! New shock at the Supreme Court for those fleecing the health sector".


    PARON: "30 years hard labour - the trade for 'salvation' through extending [loan repayment]".


    PROTO THEMA (weekly): "No more 'bonus' in the private-sector also. The 'troika' imposes new murderous package of measures".


    REALNEWS: "They are 'cooking up' an ambush! PASOK hoping for good news from Brussels".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "Strike with PAME on February 23".


    TO ARTHRO: "A stop to spending by ministers".


    TO VIMA: "Euro...disobedience for Merkel's 'suit' - new shock for supplementary pensions in Greece".


    VRADYNI: "The new taxes you will pay - who will be burdened the most".

source: ANA-MPA