Monday, February 14, 2011

The contradistinction with the troika was a bad farce

“Developing state property is one thing but clearance sale of silverware is quite another” says ND, continuing the fierce attack at the government due to the troika interview and all that followed, also insisting in the resignation of finance minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou.

In a recent announcement the position of Antonis Samaras on July 2010 is clearly mentioned: “…development does not mean «clearance». Does not mean we are selling our silverware. Does not mean auctioning monuments or spaces connected with our history or our national security. «To develop» means to give value to an asset that so far remains inactive or is depreciated… and without the state losing the ownership of its real estate…”

ND insists on not talking about loss of state ownership by the state that is placed from the troika side, but for development through long term leases of real estate that remains idle so far. They also note that there must be an account created for the development of state property before any discussion on the large SOEs.

They insist that the troika announcements did not surprise the government and minister Papakonstantinou had pre-decided everything with the auditors, stressing that the minister had spoke of state property clearance in his speech several months ago in New York. Also that these forecasts are included in the updated memorandum and they are citing non paper of Papakonstantinou where the 50bil euros are mentioned.

They conclude that the minister handled the matter without informing the society, the parliament or even part of the government. So they say everything that followed the troika announcements is a badly organized farce that makes the resignation of Papakonstantinou imperative. The possibility for a censure motion against the Finance minister or in total against the government in the right moment, is left open.