Friday, February 4, 2011

The hopes of the government for the summit

photo: Council of the European Union
The Prime Minister hopes this will be the chance for a beginning of meaningful procedure, that will lead the EU away from the crisis and the insecurities, but that will also lead Greece in dealing with the deficit and the debt.
Coming into the EU Summit in Brussels he stated “Greece has proven that has the will and the strength to go through with great changes and make its economy viable”. According to the Greek PM, the challenge for Europe is to deal with specific systemic problems in the Eurozone. Mr Papandreou expressed his satisfaction for the fact that there is a true realization and prosperity in regards to the will and ability to fulfill this goal. He also underlined that Europe has very big potential to solve all this issues, especially if the decisions of today’s Summit but also of March’s Summit will define in order to create the necessary conditions for new work place.

Mr. Papandreou believes the conditions are ripe in the head of the EU, for these drastic measures to be taken, even if their application might take some more time. The government is waiting from today’s summit, a clear statement that the EU will support the euro and will help all weaker links such as Greece, in order to protect the currency.

What will be crucial is the other leaders reactions to the german solution which is for all countries to legally be bound that there will be common rules to solve all deficits, solve tax issues and to agree in one model of social approach towards the people of the countries involved. This could for example lead to one unified pension system in Europe etc.

The PM seems ready to commit to even harder measurements if it is to secure a final solution. However, in the case that the sacrifices asked from the EU, surpass limits set out from the government, this could lead to political turmoil, and the dilemma of consent will be put on the table for the rest of the Greek political parties in the Parliament. If we come to this point, as many ministers murmur, there is a chance for elections in spring.