Monday, February 14, 2011

Metro workers walk off job

Athens metro and rail workers walked off the job Monday in the latest of a series of almost daily strikes against a public transport sector shake-up that is part of Greece's cost-cutting reforms to improve public finances. 
The capital's subway system was to remain shut for several hours, while about 100 metro workers held a motorized demonstration through central Athens to Parliament on motorcycles and scooters. 
All public transport workers are to hold a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, when Parliament is set to vote on the reforms. 
Greece is overhauling its economy and implementing a strict austerity programme in return for a three-year 110 billion package of rescue loans from the International Monetary Fund and fellow euro countries. 
The austerity plan - which has included cuts to public sector salaries and pensions, increased taxes and the opening up of previously closed professions to more competition - has been under strict supervision by the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission, who carry out quarterly inspection visits before the disbursement of each batch of loans. 
But the reforms being pushed through by the Socialist government have been widely unpopular among Greeks who have seen their incomes fall and cost of living rise. 
Acrimony has also begun to appear between the government and its international rescuers, with the first public spat breaking out over the weekend after the international debt inspectors said Greece must privatize 50 billion in state assets by 2015 and speed up structural reforms in coming months to keep the troubled finances afloat. 
About ten hours after the Friday afternoon press conference by the IMF, ECB and EC, government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis issued a two a.m. statement slamming the three institutions, accusing them of interfering in Greece's domestic affairs and overstepping the boundaries of their roles. 
The IMF, ECB and EC issued their own midnight statement Saturday night, apparently designed to dampen Greek tempers, saying they "recognize the difficult challenges facing the Greek economy and we have the deepest respect for the tremendous efforts being made by the Greek people." 
The dispute has fueled political fingerpointing in Greece, with the main opposition conservatives accusing the government of mishandling the situation and calling for Finance Minister Yiorgos Papakonstantinou to resign - a call the government has rejected. 
by Elena Becatoros
source: AP