Sunday, February 20, 2011

ND spokesman on newspaper report

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party spokesman Yiannis Mihelakis, commenting on an article appearing in the Sunday edition of the newspaper "Kathimerini", said "today's publication in the newspaper 'Kathimerini' that reveals that Mr. (Prime Minister George) Papandreou, from the beginning of December 2009, was discussing in the backstages with IMF President Mr. Strauss Kahn our country's subjection to the IMF, confirms in the most resounding way, what New Democracy was maintaining since then and what the entire Greek people were suspecting: 
That firstly: Mr. Papandreou and his government deliberately led the country to the Memorandum, swelling in the beginning the deficit and then degrading the Greek economy, with the statements about the 'Titanic', a 'corrupt country'. etc. 
And that secondly: Mr. Papandreou was deliberately disorientating the Greek people, while in the backstages he had chosen to lead the country to the IMF." 

source: ANA