Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ragoussis promises full investigation of Siemens scandal

Everything about the Siemens bribery scandal will be investigated, including the path of illegal money into party coffers, Interior Minister Yiannis Ragoussis stressed in an interview given to the Athens-based newspaper "RealNews" published on Saturday.
According to Ragoussis, no one would be immune from investigation, including former prime ministers, and he stressed the need for consensus.
Ruling out all prospect of elections before the end of the government's term in 2013, Ragoussis said the present Parliament would pass the planned changes to election law, which he said would seek to boost the autonomy of politics and make MPs more independent of specific interests and the pressures of clientist relations.
He also announced that an planned Parliamentary inquiry into the handling of economic policy would cover the period between 2004 and 2009.
The minister went on to criticise the 'I won't pay' and civil disobedience movement, saying that concerns were understandable but adherence to the law protected the weaker members of society above all and that the government was not ready to negotiate on "following the rules".
On the problem of illegal migration, meanwhile, he emphasised that Greece was governed by the rule of law and that this would be applied without exceptions, accusing those that arranged the occupation of the Athens Law School building by migrants of "exposing the country to an inconceivable danger".