Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shock for the military exercises in Kilkis (video)

A peculiar incident occurred a few days ago in the area of Kilkis, that is now making the Defense Ministry in need of excuses.
In a military exercise, military forces appear to “control” citizens holding flags and banners where they have “Siriza” and “Peace” written on them.

The Ministry declared absolute ignorance about the incident after an offical enquiry made by MP’s of KKE Thanasis Pafilas and Siriza’s Theodoros Dritsas in Parliament. The Ministry has asked for the exercise to be stopped immediately, and to be informed in detail about the exercise from the military officials of the area.

President of LAOS Mr.Karatzaferis intervened and said that the fact that the Ministry of Defense was not informed with the fact that this is probably an illegal exercise are two totally different matters. Mr. Beglitis (sub-Minister) said that the Ministry does not support such acts and that “I understand the worries in reference to the procedure and the content of this exercise, but I wouldn’t be too worried. Should there be responsibilities, there will be fines” said Mr.Beglitis.

source: PROTO THEMA 

video from onalert