Tuesday, March 1, 2011

FinMin winding up talks on fiscal targets

Finance minister Yiorgos Papakonstantinou on Tuesday winds up a series of meetings with other government ministers on the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework and Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy Report for the period 2012-2014. 
On Wednesday, Papakonstantinou is due to meet with representatives of the Laos, Democratic Left and Democratic Alliance parties, which have accepted invitations to the dialogue on the 2012-2014 framework. 
The Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy report aims to place ceilings on expenditure in ministries and fiscal balance targets on all general government agencies up until and including 2014. 
The Report will be put to public deliberation in late March, followed by Cabinet approval in mid-April before submission to parliament for approval by mid-May. 
source: ANA