Tuesday, March 29, 2011

PV park project in Megalopoli may reach a deadlock

The tender for the construction of the MW50 photovoltaic park in Megalopoli faces the possibility of a deadlock, according to Capital.gr sources.

An appeal is expected to be filled in the next few days against the decision of the Public Power Corporation to accept the bid of a large construction group, which had been initially rejected as it didn’t fulfill the necessary conditions.

PPC explained that the reasons of the initial rejection were not substantial but procedural, but its explanation was unsatisfactory for the other tender participants. A source close to a rival consortium told Capital.gr that the group may even resort to the European Court.

It should be noted that the project had been always facing problems as its notice was published only in Greek and only domestic competitors submitted bids for a project that is expected to be one of the largest in Europe.

Moreover, although the project was initially presented in 2007, there was a four-year delay, due to an appeal to the State Council tabled by a hunting club.

The consortiums Aktor/Viosar, J&P Avax/Martifier, Terna Energy and Intrakat/MCC have submitted bids for the tender that provides the construction of a MW50 park and a substation, five-year maintenance and the supply of transformers, panels and inverters.
source: CAPITAL