Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tsipras wraps up tour of Thessaly

Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) Parliamentary group leader Alexis Tsipras ended a tour of west Thessaly on Sunday by visiting the Fortress at Trikala, where he stressed that the world was now going through exceptionally difficult times. 
"It would not be an exaggeration to say that we are living in the most crucial days since the end of World War II," Tsipras said. 
Calling for "imediate disengagement of all Greek armed forces from the theatre of war", Tsipras said that Greece was being dragged into "Nato's dangerous war games" in its own neighbourhood, amid choices that were extremely dangerous and might well lead to generalised warfare that would be totally contrary to the needs of the Arab people in revolt. 
He also noted what he called a "systemic crisis of capitalism that was threatening labour entitlements" but also the re-emergence of the nuclear threat in Japan, 25 years after the disastrous accident in Chernobyl. 

source: ANA