Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The 33 Chilean miners visit Greece

In  Greece and Crete will be from today the 33 miners from Chile, who had been trapped in the mine of San Jose a few months ago. 

The owner of the mining company ELMIN S.A. Mr.Vardinoyiannis, acquaintance of the Chilean ambassador in Greece, Mrs Carmen Impanies had promised that if the 33 miners finally come alive, he would invite them to Greece and particularly to his own homeland Crete, to enjoy the Greek beauty and spend a few days away from the nightmare they lived.
Each of them is coming with a familiar person, wife, mother, father, or child, so they will all be 66. They will first see the Acropolis Museum and the Greek capital and then go to Crete where they will be hosted in a 5stars hotel. In their last day in Greece they will go to a farewell party and dinner, in the famous Enzzo de Cuba, in Athens.