Saturday, May 7, 2011

Announcement on 'censorship' case regarding Mikis Theodorakis

The Austrian Parliament's press office, in an announcement on Friday reported also by the Austrian News Agency APA, backs down on the
decision by Austrian Parliament president Barbara Prammer to cancel the presentation on Thursday of the work "Mauthausen" by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, at the memory ceremony for the victims of Nazism at the Austrian National Assembly. 
According to the announcement, due to reports regarding the music programme at Thursday's memory event against violence and racism, Prammer took the following position on Friday: 
At the beginning the execution of the Mauthausen Cantada by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis had been planned. Before its manifestation the existence of a confrontation on supposed antisemite statements by Mr. Theodorakis became known. "Without me being in a position to check and to take in some way a position on the content of these accusations I decided the change in the music programme of the event. I considered important that this issue should not disorientate from the real meaning and content of this anniversary," Prammer stresses on the reasons for the taking of this decision of hers. 
As it was mentioned by the press and communications office of the Greek embassy in Vienna on Friday night, the Greek ambassador in Austria, Panayiotis Zografos, contacted the office of the Austrian Parliament's president before the issuing of the relevant announcement, requesting explanations on the whole issue.