Thursday, May 5, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines Thursday

    A statement by IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn -- in cut footage from an interview with a French newspaper that was aired on a Greek
political satire program -- that PM Papandreou was in 'underground' talks with the IMF since November 2009 and the arrival of an EU-IMF 'troika' team of inspectors dominated the front pages in Athens' dailies on Thursday.


    ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Papandreou was bargaining with the IMF as early as November 2009 (just one month after the last general elections that brought Papandreou's PASOK party to office)".


    AVGHI: "Black anniversary (one year) of 'rigged' Memorandum".


    AVRIANI: "IMF chief Strauss-Kahn 'finishes' Papandreou, as a storm of revelations on the infamous George Soros' role is coming".


    ELEFTHEROS: "Comrade Strauss-Kahn denuded Papandreou and his government".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Recourse to IMF a 'rigged game' by Papandreou


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Government backs out of Memorandum of Understanding signed with Qatar for exploitation of Ellinikon former airport expanse".


    ESTIA: "Confidence in government collapses".


    ETHNOS: "Outcry over former MPs' recourse for retroactive increases in their salaries and pensions".


    IMERISSIA: "The road opens for tourism investments in summer accommodations".


    KATHIMERINI: "Troika arrives with tough stance".


    LOGOS: "IMF 'haunting' the government".


    NAFTEMPORIKI: "Black hole (shortfall) in budget revenues in first quarter of the year, exceeding 1.2 billion euros".


    NIKI: "The 50 billion euros privatisations plan up in the air".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "Labor-wide uprising against the deep cuts in 'heavy and hazardous' work benefits".


    TA NEA: "Heavy and hazardous work - Which categories of workers are being de-classified, which are being classified".


    VRADYNI: "OAED (state Manpower Employment Organisation) pensions and programs (for the unemployed) being cut".