Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines Tuesday

 Prime Minister George Papandreou's meeting on Tuesday with President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias, Health Minister Andreas Loverdos' statements
on Monday and deliberations in the EU on Greece's economic support, mostly dominated the headlines on Tuesday in Athens' newspapers.
   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Aroma of early elections".
   AVGHI: "Government prepares the ground for a new loan and a new Memorandum".
   AVRIANI: "George (Papandreou) to escape through elections".
   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "New Memorandum with 50-60 billion euros additional loan brings scent of elections". 
   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Loverdos 'leader-like' appearance" sent ultimatum to Papandreou".
   ESTIA: "PASOK (ruling party) is destroying the economy".
   ETHNOS: "End to lies - Health Minister Andreas Loverdos' intervention a herald of developments".
   IMERISSIA: "Solution at cliff's edge - Deliberations over Memorandum no. 2".
   KATHIMERINI: "Ministers send dramatic SOS".
 NAFTEMPORIKI: "New 'memorandum loan" and more difficult years".
   RIZOSPASTIS: "Hurricane of new antisocial measures in view of controlled destruction of capital".
   TA NEA: "George seeks clear solutions".
   VRADYNI: "Ceiling on pensions".