Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cretan Receives A Letter of Gratitude From Buckingham Palace

A beautiful woodcut portrait of Lady Diana that was carved by an 83 year old Cretan has become well-known around the world after its creator received a warm “thank you ” letter from Buckingham Palace. Princes
William and Harry, sent him the letter to express their gratitude for the wonderful gift!
Anthony Zacharioudakis (photo) who carved the portrait has every reason to be proud after having spent long hours creating the carving.  ”I really liked the character and work of the ” people’s princess “and I felt her death as a great loss. I wanted somehow to honor her memory, so I decided to create something with my own hands. I searched and found her best magazine photo and started to work it on wood.
After completing  the portrait, I then thought of sending it to her children  as a gift! However, I had to follow a whole process to find out the address of the palace; I went to the British Consulate in Iraklion and asked the officers there to help me send my package,” he said. Receiving recognition for his work and knowing it reached the hands of the princes was a wonferful moment for Anthony Zacharioudakis.