Saturday, May 28, 2011

Environment and Volunteer Week in Athens

City of Athens officials on Saturday officially declared the start of Environment and Volunteer Week in Greece's capital, with a series of events taking place in the framework of the Athens Flower Show that began last week. 
In a bid to raise environmental awareness among Athens residents, especially students, the municipality has organised a series of events and volunteer programmes throughout its seven districts in order to increase greenspaces and make the city friendlier to people and the environment. 
After the inauguration, there was a presentation of innovative composting methods to create fertiliser using domestic and garden wastes, which was followed by a concert by the municipality orchestra. 
Throughout Environment Week, there will be a pavilion at Kotzia Square run by the municipality's animal shelter, where visitors can learn about issues relating to the protection of strays and pets, as well as adopt stray puppies that will be kept on site.