Thursday, May 26, 2011

EU Juncker: IMF Needs 12-Month Greek Financing Guarantee

The next tranche of financial support for Greece depends on the outcome of a report by the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission and Greece's compliance with IMF rules on assistance packages, Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker said Thursday.

"I'm not the spokesman of the IMF, but the rules say they can only disburse if there is a financing guarantee for the 12-month period," Juncker told reporters.
"I don't think that the troika will come to the conclusion that this is given. If the Europeans have to realize that the disbursement of the IMF before June 29 can't operatively happen, the expectation of the IMF is then that the Europeans will take the place of the IMF," he added.
He said some countries, including Germany and Finland, would likely not accept this. "Everything depends on the troika report which is due next week," he added.