Thursday, May 19, 2011

Medium-Term Stability Programme to cabinet next week

Government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis once again ruled out all possibility that Greece will restructure its debt on Thursday, saying that the government "is chiefly concerned with implementing the Medium-Term Stability Programme in order to bring the country out of the crisis".

 He said this will be discussed by the cabinet at the beginning of next week. 
Asked whether the prime minister would deliver a national address after the approval of the Medium-Term Programme, Petalotis gave a negative reply and said that this was not the time for "drama", adding that the way that the programme would be announced had not yet been decided. 
He did reveal that the government had decided to call each of the opposition party leaders for one-on-one meetings with the prime minister after the programme was approved, in order to brief them on what had been decided and exchange views. 
A proposal by Popular Orthodox Rally (Laos) leader George Karatzaferis for an "government of experts" not aligned with any political party was not among the options currently being considered by the government, Petalotis added.