Thursday, June 2, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Thursday

The mergers and shut downs of public entities, the planned reduction of the tax-free ceiling, and the sale of an additional 10 percent stake in Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation to Deutsche Telekom, mostly dominated the headlines on Thursday in Athens' newspapers.

   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Express exit from 'heavy and hazardous' category for 250,000 workers".

   AVGHI: "Government in state of panic".

   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "55 percent tax 'surcharge' for 400,000 professionals".

   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "14-point plan for Greece".

   ESTIA: "The system is collapsing".

   ETHNOS: "Cut to tax-free ceilings for all".

   IMERISSIA: "10 percent stake in OTE to DT for 410 million euros".

   KATHIMERINI: "Prime Minister George Papandreou's fears and the clouds over the economy".

   NAFTEMPORIKI: "Moody's rating agency downgraded Greece".

   RIZOSPASTIS: "Slaughter-measures for the people".

   TA NEA: "Public sector: Minus one salary and lay-offs".

   VRADYNI: "New 'final extermination' measures".